Senogles & Co is an international consulting firm that is focused on the finances.                                                                                                     

We are a specialist firm that covers financial disputes, governance and advisory work.  For details of our broad sector and geographical experience, see our services menu (above). 

Geoffrey Senogles is a highly experienced and recognised arbitration expert witness; included each year in Who’s Who Legal peer-reviewed listings. He also is an Investment Committee member.

Steve Brookfield, Claire Ashby and Geoff Senogles are regularly appointed by commercial clients or lawyers to advise on corporate governance, corporate finance, as well as financial reviews or investigations.

Our website, just like our people, aims to be clear and concise - with uncomplicated communication our main objective. Our team’s mother tongues include: Welsh, Arabic, French, Croatian and English.

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Geoffrey Senogles :
Voted three times as
”Arbitration Expert Witness of the Year - Switzerland” in 2019, 2020 and 2021

(Source: Who’s Who Legal)